Two super cool Mermaid influencers (@mslunamarie and @feliciawithfins) created a Mermaids Don't Fart reel that has over 100,000 views, 6000+ likes, and almost 200 comments.
Mermaids Miss Luna Marie and Felicia with Fins shared a LOL-funny reel, tagging @tamara_rittershaus, the author of picture book Mermaids Don't Fart.
This farting mermaid's "OOPS face" is rivaled only by the OOPS expression on the cover of picture book MERMAIDS DON'T FART:

What is @feliciawithfins so embarrassed about? It looks like we've caught on camera a mass of bubbles from her butt . . .
Bubbles pop out of Mermaid Felicia's tail end,
that mermaids
WAIT! . . .
There's a twist!

From behind Mermaid Felicia swims @mslunamarie. Miss Luna Marie, Mermaid Queen of the Seas, is covering her giggle. Where did those bubbles come from?
A mermaid's mysterious ways are still up for debate. Do mermaids toot, poot, and pass gas, . . . or don't they?
It's so exciting to see that the world laughs alongside farting mermaids!
We laughed so hard at this reel and you will too!
Watch the full reel on Instagram here.
Mermaids Don't Fart is a laugh-out-loud picture book about a friendly wager going terribly wrong. Eel is willing to bet that mermaids DO fart, but Shrimp is sure they don't! When Eel's bad jokes get Shrimp caught in deep water, Eel needs a mermaid to help save Shrimp's life. A surprising twist makes this rhyming read-aloud a book to read over and over again!
You can buy the book on Amazon, but if you'd like free mermaid stickers, be sure an order the hardcover book from Pull a Wagon Publishing:
Save more when you buy the Mermaid Reef series:
Thanks for reading and following the journey of Mermaids Don't Fart!